晚市有返堂食!8度海逸酒店(Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees)會係今晚12點(3月4日0:00)推出3月限時快閃優惠!book雙人自助餐再送一晚住宿,抵呀!雙人自助晚餐9折後只需$996(已加一),再送一晚住宿;雙人假日自助午餐只需$876(已加一),再送一晚住宿!晚市重開梗係考慮吓book返個自助晚餐啦!價錢全部已包加一,每人$500都唔洗,有得食有得住!自助晚餐有超過90款菜式!除咗即開生蠔,仲有鱈場蟹腳、紐西蘭青口、海蝦、海螺!最受歡迎嘅煎鵝肝伴黑松露汁、香草烤羊扒,仲有原盅松茸燉花膠湯,切肉檯亦會供應燒特級牛肉或脆皮豬腩!甜品可以任食限定口味Häagen-Dazs雪糕或 Mövenpick雪糕!佢嘅假日自助午餐都唔差,有超過70款菜式,亦有兩款空運到港嘅生蠔,即煮檯仲有法式海皇湯同香煎和牛串燒添架!
限時5日!香港4間Hyatt齊齊推出快閃禮遇優惠!北角Hyatt Centric最抵!一晚都係$525起,大部份房型都睇到海景!尖沙咀Hyatt Regency一晚$570起!灣仔Grand Hyatt$1,258起!沙田Hyatt Regency$660起(沙田睇落好似貴咗,但今次優惠賣既係豪華房)!預訂今次優惠會再送一套 POLA Red B.A 尊貴護膚體驗套裝(價值$438),數量有限,送完即止!今次入住日期去到4月30日!另外,唔少原有嘅住宿套票都有額外優惠!
上星期8度海逸酒店(Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees)推出自助餐送住宿反應非常熱烈呀!酒店決定加推2月12至15日情人節Staycation優惠,大家把握最後機會啦!住宿+情人節五道菜西式套餐(價值$888)都只係$888起!等於「零」房價入住!情人節套餐由酒店總廚主理,主菜可以揀肉眼扒伴時令蔬菜配黑菌汁或焗芝士龍蝦伴鵝肝,兩款都好吸引,一人叫一款share食就最正~
再再再延長!香港JW萬豪酒店(JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong) 「零」房價優惠今次延長至2月24日!勁抵!住足30小時住宿,一晚$2,022起!回贈$2,022餐飲額!可用於酒店餐廳/房內用餐!原本開賣到今個月20號,而家延長到情人節都有得book~同另一半去staycation又多個選擇!
Destination:JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong,於「Special Rates Promo Code」輸入SPE方可尋找此優惠
Special Rates:JW Wellness Staycation, breakfast for 2 guests daily, afternoon tea for 2 guests, 1 PURE Yoga & PURE Fitness pass, A bottle of Whispering Angel, see Rate details
Destination:JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong,於「Special Rates Promo Code」輸入ZE2方可尋找此優惠
Special Rate : JW Double Happiness Summer Staycation, Rate is for two rooms, includes buffet breakfast for 4 guests daily, 1200 HKD food and beverage credit per night, 1 bottle of wine per stay, A pair of connecting room, see Rate details
Destination:The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong,於「Special Rates Promo Code」輸入ARN方可尋找此優惠
Special Rates:490m Altitude Retreat, includes breakfast for 2 guests, HKD500 spa or dining Credit, Meditation gift set welcome amenity, see Rate details
Destination:The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong,於「Special Rates Promo Code」輸入ES7方可尋找此優惠
Special Rates:The Pawfect Stay, includes gourmet picnic basket, 20 pct discount off in In-room Dining, Whiskers N Paws gift set, Pet-friendly welcome amenity, see Rate details
麗思卡爾頓 The Ritz-Carlton 星級行政酒廊體驗 An Elevated Club Experience:
Destination:The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong,於「Special Rates Promo Code」輸入1Z2方可尋找此優惠
Special Rates:The Ritz-Carlton Elevated Experience, includes breakfast for 2 guests, 800 HKD food and beverage credit per stay, Club access, Transfer or Overnight parking, see Rate details